Centrum Patachich
Ad Lucem Pilgrim House

The Pilgrim House of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Oradea was built in the second half of the 18th century. Bishop Ferenc Miklóssy had a major wing built in 1804, and then in 1890 Cardinal Lőrinc Schlauch entrusted Kálmán Rimanóczy Sr. with the works. The restoration of the building began in 2017 with the support of the Hungarian government and it was handed over in July 06. 2021 as a Pilgrimage House.

The property provides ideal conditions for organizing multi-day programs and receiving pilgrims. We can provide accommodation for 36 people and a 60-seat conference room.

Those who are interested can find the Pilgrimage House on Traian Lalescu street Nr. 1

If you want to book accommodation, please fill out the form below.


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